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Catleton hd ultrasound

Ultrasound Pricing Castleton IN

Explore our competitive ultrasound pricing for 3D, 4D, and HD Live (5D) Ultrasound Packages. Marion County IN

Pricing Plans

Choose The Best Pricing Plans

Early peek and gender reveal plans

Heartbeat Package


  • Must be 8 weeks along
  • Ultrasound with two black and white printed pictures and a heartbeat module
  • 10 Minute 2D Scan
  • Listen To Your Baby’s Heartbeat

Early Peek


  • 10 minute 2D ultrasound session
  • Listen to your baby’s heart
  • 2 black and white thermal 2D prints
  • *This is NOT a gender reveal
  • 12-15 weeks
  • HD Live Upgrade – $25 

2D Gender Peek


  • 10 minute 2D session
  • 2 black and white pictures
  • Starting at 15 weeks

Quick Peek 2D/3D/4D


  • 10 – 15 minute session including 3D/4D imaging
  • 4 black and white pictures
  • This package is perfect for those parents who want capture the early movements of their baby, view the whole body of baby, and even determine gender!
  • SUGGESTION 15-24 weeks
  • HD Live Upgrade – $25

Please call to verify eligibility of any coupon or discount offer.

Current pricing listed on this page cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon.

Please Note: Women seeking an elective prenatal Ultrasound with Castleton 4D Ultrasound must already be receiving treatment with a healthcare provider for prenatal care and have already undergone a medical, diagnostic Ultrasound ordered by their provider to confirm their due date, screen for fetal anomalies, and to look for any other pregnancy related issues. Please note, at no time is this exam to be used in place of a complete diagnostic Ultrasound.

3D, 4D and HD Packages



  • 15 – 20 minute ultrasound session in 2D, 3D, and 4D
  • Recording of your ultrasound on the babyflix app set to music
  • 4 black and white 3D pictures of your baby
  • 1 color picture
  • (28-32 Weeks Optimal Range)
  • HD Live Upgrade – $25

Precious Peek


  • 20 – 25 minute session in 2D, 3D, and 4D
  • Recording of your ultrasound on a babyflix app set to music
  • 6 black and white 3D pictures of your baby
  • 2 color 3d pictures of your baby
  • (28-32 Weeks Optimal Range)
  • HD Live Upgrade – $25

Sweet Peek


  • 20 – 25 minute ultrasound session in 2D, 3D, and 4D
  • 6 black and white 3D pictures of your baby
  • 2 color 3D pictures of your baby
  • Recording of your ultrasound on a babyflix app set to music
  • Receive a FREE Heartbeat Bear of your choice with this package!!
  • (28-32 Weeks Optimal Range)
  • HD Live Upgrade – $25

Playful Peek


  • 25 – 30 minute ultrasound session in 2D, 3D, and 4D
  • Recording of your ultrasound on a babyflix app set to music
  • Custom app that will contain at least 25 color 3D pictures (ideal for email, facebook, etc.)
  • 8 black and white 3D pictures of your baby
  • 4 color 3D pictures of your baby
  • (28-32 Weeks Optimal Range)
  • HD Live Upgrade – $25

2-Visit Playful Peek


  • 1st visit – around SUGGESTED 18/22 weeks
  • 2nd visit – around SUGGESTED 29/32 weeks
  • (Must pay in full at first visit to take advantage of special price)
  • (Multiple Visits)
  • HD Live Upgrade – $25

Complete Peek


  • Early Peek Package  SUGGESTED(12-15 weeks)
  • Quick Peek Package SUGGESTED (16-24 weeks)
  • Playful Peek Package SUGGESTED(25-34 weeks)
  • Includes Heartbeat Animal of your choice!
  • (Must pay in full at first visit to take advantage of the special price)
  • (Multiple Visits)
  • HD Live Upgrade – $25
Catleton hd ultrasound

Are you expecting a baby? If so, you may be wondering how you can find out the gender of your child early on. There are a few different methods available, but one of the most accurate and reliable is early gender DNA testing